World Safari
February 21st, 2019
1-5 PM
Central Plaza, EdUHK Tai Po Campus
World Safari
In February the International Tutor team held the World Safari to share information about global environmental issues in form of different activities to the students.
The event included 4 different themed booths for students to try.
First we had the Arctic booth hosted by ITs Juho and Marcus.
In Arctic booth the activities included folding origami penguins and whales, Ice fishing, finding camouflaged animal hiding in plain sight, trying out an arctic lingonberry punch and of course learning more about the animal and threats to Arctic and how that affects us all.
After the Arctic booth we had the Oceans booth hosted by ITs Amelia and Temka.
Activities in the Oceans booth included a quiz about the oceans hosted by Temka, Fishing, and making lanterns from used cans and bottles.
On the other side of the Plaza we had two more booths, first up was the Desert booth hosted by ITs Dilan and Noga.
Activities in the Desert booth included a quiz about the desert, cactus planting and painting, and information about deserts.
Finally we had the Rainforest booth hosted by ITs Fel and Gabs.
Rainforest booth activities included a Jenga game to showcase the diversity and fragility of rainforests species and a memory game.
At the end of the event we held a raffle and shared eco-friendly prizes with the winners.
Thank you for all the buddies who attended our World Safari!
See you at our next Centralized Activity in March !
-The International Tutor Team